All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 141

Rural and Microfinance Regulation in Ghana: Implications for Development and Performance of the Industry

Has microfinance regulation in Ghana benefited the industry?

Is a Friend in Need a Friend Indeed? Inclusion and Exclusion in Mutual Insurance Networks in Southern Ghana

How do individuals cope with financial shortfalls that create unexpected variations in consumption?

A Framework for Regulating Microfinance Institutions: The Experience of Ghana and the Philippines

How does a country's legal and regulatory framework affect the sustainability of microfinance?
Case Study

Gender Access to Credit Under Ghana's Financial Sector Reform: A Case Study of Two Rural Banks in the Central Region of Ghana

Has the gender access to credit increased due to financial liberalization in Ghana?

Retooling Credit Unions: The Case of Credit Union Association of Ghana

Are Credit Unions ready for the liberalized economy?

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 1: Women's Empowerment

Has Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program actually helped empower its women clients?

Ghana: Banking Law 1989 (PNDCL 225)

How is the Banking Law in Ghana structured?

Financial Sector Development in the Pacific DMCs - Volume 1: Regional Report

How can regional financial systems be strangthened and developed?