All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 50

Making a Difference: 2013 Impact Report

Impact evaluation and client segmentation of Friendship Bridge's programs in Guatemala
Case Study

"Doing the Math" – Women's Health Microinsurance in Guatemala

Studying the value that microinsurance offers in terms of women'’s access to medical care

Creating Incentives to Save Among Microfinance Borrowers: A Behavioral Experiment from Guatemela

Examining the relationship between savings and loan repayment

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for Guatemala

A scorecard to estimate poverty rates and track changes in them over time in Guatemala

Does Social Capital Matter? Evidence from a Five-Country Group Lending Experiment

Understanding effect of social capital on economic decision-making

Integrating Remittance Recipients into the Financial Sector

Providing remittance recipients access to affordable financial services

Microfinance and Home Improvement: Using Retrospective Panel Data to Measure Program Effects on Fundamental Events

Measuring welfare changes associated with development programs
Case Study

Microfinance in Latin America: The Leadership of WSBI Members

The report highlights the involvement of World Savings Bank Institute's members in microfinance.

Fostering Gender Equality: Meeting the Entrepreneurship and Microfinance Challenge

Analyzing the entrepreneurial environment for women in European countries