All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 29

Determining Poverty Impacts on Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia: Reconciling Household and GTAP Data

Measuring the impact of policy initiatives on the poor

Laos: Regulation for Deposit-Taking MFIs

Bank of Lao PDR Directive on the establishment and operations of deposit-taking MFIs

Laos: Regulation for Non-Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions

Directive regulating the establishment and operations of non-deposit taking MFIs in Laos

Laos: Regulation for Savings and Credit Unions

A Bank of Lao PDR directive on the establishment and operations of Savings and Credit Unions

Rural Finance in the Lao People's Democratic Republic: Demand, Supply, and Sustainability

The potential of new market-oriented policies in expanding rural financial services in Lao PDR

Microinsurance Demand & Market Prospects: Lao People's Democratic Republic

Needing financial intermediaries with strong portfolios to develop a robust microinsurance market
Case Study

ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings & Analysis: BancoSol, Bolivia

Measuring the poverty profile of BancaSol clients

Laos Microfinance Country Profile

The present and the future prospects of microfinance in Laos

Microfinance for the Poor in Lao PDR - National Conference Report

Proceedings from the "National Microfinance Conference: Microfinance for the Poor", 2005, Lao PDR