All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 144

Dollar for Dreams: Scaling Microlending in the United States

Summarizing experiences in scaling microenterprises

Reaching the Hispanic Market through Remittances: Experience from the Credit Union Remittance Outreach Program (CUROP)

How credit unions can offer services to remittance-sending communities

Employer-Based Credit Unions and Co-operatives in Fiji: A Missed Opportunity for Financial Inclusion

Promoting financial inclusion through member based financial institutions in Fiji

Seeking to Serve Millions, Not Hundreds: Helping US Microfinance Institutions Go Beyond What They Know

Strategies for scaling up microfinance services

Financial Capability, Financial Competence and Wellbeing in Rural Fijian Households

Improving financial competence for efficient management of household income

Restricting Consumer Credit Access: Household Survey Evidence on Effects around the Oregon Rate Cap

Short-run effects of restricting access to expensive credit

Saving among Low-income Women: Motivation and Obstacles

Listing determinants of savings among low-income households

Closing the Wealth Gap Through Self-employment

Building self sufficiency among women through entrepreneurship