All Publications

Showing 121 - 130 of 172

Do Government Programs "Crowd In" Remittances?

Does household income and public transfer income affect remittances?

Financial Education and Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts

What effects do financial education have on the poor?

Microenterprise: How Can We Serve Hundreds of Thousands of Low-Income People Annually?

Moving microenterprises from start-up phase to reaching scale

Replicating Microfinance in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges

Examining opportunities and challenges of microfinance in the United States
Guide / Toolkit

Guide to Management Information Systems for Microfinance Institutions in Mali

A guide to aid SFDs in selecting systems that manage their microfinance operations

Savings and Asset Accumulation in IDAs (ADD Report 2001)

Do Individual Development Accounts work?

Building Businesses, Rebuilding Lives: Microenterprise and Welfare Reform

Can microenterprise help women overcome their barriers to employment?

Income, Institutions, and Saving Performance in Individual Development Accounts

Are income and savings correlated?