All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 107

Agribusiness SMEs in Malawi: Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Agricultural Sector and Improved Access to Finance in Malawi

Discussing the agribusiness sector in Malawi with a focus on access to finance

Facilitating Savings from Agriculture: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi

Studying the impact of savings on agricultural development in Malawi

The Regulation of Mobile Money in Malawi

Providing recommendations for the development of mobile money in Malawi

Uncovering Barriers to Branchless Banking: A Synthesis of Consumer Capability Research in India, Malawi, Philippines, and Zambia

Does digital literacy of low-income consumers translate into better money management practices?
Case Study

Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Savings Among Low-Income Individuals in Lesotho, Malawi, and South Africa

Providing recommendations to enhance savings among low-income individuals
Case Study

Can Microfinance Reach the Poorest: Evidence from a Community Managed Microfinance Intervention

Assessing the outreach of community-based microfinance interventions

Public Sector - Operated Price Comparison Websites: Case Studies and Good Practices

Providing guidance on operating price comparison websites
Case Study

Connecting the World's Poorest People to the Global Economy: New Models for Linking Informal Savings Groups to Formal Financial Services

Innovative models to link informal savings groups to formal financial services in Africa

Policy Opportunities and Constraints to Access Youth Financial Services

Helping youth access and use financial services
Case Study

Rural Finance Outreach in Central Malawi: Implications for Opportunity International Bank of Malawi

Evaluating rural finance outreach strategies in Malawi