All Publications

Showing 111 - 120 of 143

Rural and Microfinance Regulation in Ghana: Implications for Development and Performance of the Industry

Has microfinance regulation in Ghana benefited the industry?

Background Study: Community Development Finance (CDF)

How does community development finance help in development?

Is a Friend in Need a Friend Indeed? Inclusion and Exclusion in Mutual Insurance Networks in Southern Ghana

How do individuals cope with financial shortfalls that create unexpected variations in consumption?

A Framework for Regulating Microfinance Institutions: The Experience of Ghana and the Philippines

How does a country's legal and regulatory framework affect the sustainability of microfinance?

Analysis of the Effects of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction

Examining the effectiveness of microfinance programs in reaching the poorest
Case Study

Gender Access to Credit Under Ghana's Financial Sector Reform: A Case Study of Two Rural Banks in the Central Region of Ghana

Has the gender access to credit increased due to financial liberalization in Ghana?

Retooling Credit Unions: The Case of Credit Union Association of Ghana

Are Credit Unions ready for the liberalized economy?

Credit with Education Impact Review No. 1: Women's Empowerment

Has Freedom from Hunger's Credit with Education program actually helped empower its women clients?