All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 20

Managing Contractual Risk Through Organization: Strategic Vs. Consensual Networks

Are networks a superior form of governance mechanism?

Requiem for Microcredit: The Demise of a Romantic Ideal

Analyzing microfinance experience in developed countries

Background Study: Community Development Finance (CDF)

How does community development finance help in development?

Microfinance During and After Armed Conflict: Lessons from Angola, Cambodia, Mozambique and Rwanda

Examining environmental conditions, coping mechanisms and microfinance demand after conflict

Sustainable Livelihoods Project, Angola - Microfinance for Urban Poverty Reduction

How successful has the Sustainable Livelihoods Project been in Luanda?

Analysis of the Effects of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction

Examining the effectiveness of microfinance programs in reaching the poorest
Case Study

Calmeadow Metrofund: A Canadian Experiment in Sustainable Microfinance

Examining whether microfinance programs can operate successfully in more developed countries

Financial Co-operatives in Quebec, Canada: A Study of the Desjardins Movement

Examining the growth patterns of the Desjardins movement and lessons for the Indian movement

Credit Unions and Community Economic Development

Credit unions' possible directions and what role they can play in Community Economic Development