All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 126

Remittances as a Driver of Women's Financial Inclusion in the Mekong Region

Identifying innovative solutions to cross-border payments and tailored financial products
Case Study

Electronic Transfers in Humanitarian Assistance and Uptake of Financial Services: A Synthesis of ELAN Case Studies

Can humanitarian e-transfers contribute to financial inclusion?

Small Business Performance: Does Access to Finance Matter?

Evidence from the Southern African Development Community using FinScope surveys

Accelerating Financial Inclusion in South-East Asia with Digital Finance

Market studies and policy recommendations for encouraging digital finance
Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Zimbabwe

Identifying barriers and enabling factors which affect uptake and usage of mobile money

Youth Economic Opportunity Ecosystem Analysis: Cambodia Country Report

Comprehensive assessment of youth employment and demand for financial services
Case Study

Leveraging Risk Management for Future Growth: A Business Case of UNTU Microfinance in Zimbabwe

Case study on risk management improvement processes and their benefits

Lessons from AgriFin Study Tour in Cambodia

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Designing Digital Financial Services for Smallholder Families: Lessons from Zimbabwe, Senegal, Rwanda, and Cambodia

DFS can offer strong value proposition to meet the nonagricultural financial needs of smallholders

Using Activity Cards for Client Appraisal – AMRET, Cambodia

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)