All Publications

Showing 91 - 100 of 247
Case Study

Promoting Empowerment of Women and Gender Equality through Integrated Microfinance, Value-Chain Support and Gender Capacity Building

Evaluating a microfinance cooperative's efforts in advancing gender equality

The State of Microfinance in Uganda 2012/13

Presenting an overview of the Ugandan microfinance industry’'s performance in 2012-13
Case Study

The Role of Microfinance in Environmental Projects: A Case Study

Examining the feasibility of microfinance as an incentive for forest owners to reduce deforestation

Mobile Money in Uganda: Use, Barriers and Opportunities

Tracking the use of mobile money in Uganda

Microinsurance in Uganda: Tectonic Shift In The Near Future?

Exploring the effects of changes in the microinsurance regulation in Uganda

Policy Opportunities and Constraints to Access Youth Financial Services

Helping youth access and use financial services

Financial Literacy Pilot Report

Using mobile phones to increase financial inclusion in Uganda

Mobile Water Payment Innovations in Urban Africa

Evaluating the uptake of mobile water payments in urban Africa

Taking Stock: Financial Education Initiatives for the Poor

Increasing outreach through financial education