All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 149
Case Study

Competition in Mobile Financial Services: Lessons from Kenya &Tanzania

Insights on the role that effective competition and competition policy play in developing MFS

Islamic Social Finance Report 2015

Trends, future challenges and prospects in 6 sub-Saharan African countries

Supervision of Banks and Nonbanks Operating through Agents: Practice in Nine Countries and Insights for Supervisors

Review of supervisory practices in countries with large and diverse agent networks
Case Study

Developing Microfinance for Sanitation in Tanzania

Results of a phased research initiative on sanitation microfinance
Case Study

Expanding Access to Finance Through Mobile Payments: Lessons Learned for MFI-Mobile Network Operator Partnerships

Developing successful partnerships between MFIs and mobile network operators

Using Collateral Management for Financing Farmers - the Case of NMB, Tanzania

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Creating Access to Agricultural Finance: Based on a Horizontal Study of Cambodia, Mali, Senegal, Tanzania, Thailand and Tunisia

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Scaling Up Index Insurance for Smallholder Farmers: Recent Evidence and Insights

Studying the potential of index-based insurance to benefit smallholder farmers