All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 84

Microfinance Impact on Poor Rural Women Empowerment: A Household Level Bargaining Analysis

Does access to credit help in empowering poor rural women?

Regulation & Supervision of Microfinance Business in Ethiopia: Achievements, Challenges & Prospects

Paper presented at the "International Conference on Microfinance Regulations," March 15-17, 2010

Contract Design in Insurance Groups

How is contract design used to increase benefits from risk-sharing?

Rural Financial Services and Effects of Microfinance on Agricultural Productivity and on Poverty

Examining the importance of microfinance in agricultural productivity and poverty reduction

Developing Agriculture Loan Products for Poor Rural Communities - Metemamen Microfinance Institution: Ethiopia

Pilot testing a new loan product for rural poor farmers

Joint-liability Borrowing Decisions under Risk: Empirical Evidence from Rural Microfinance in Ethiopia

Presented at EAAE Congress "‘People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies’"
Case Study

Access to Finance in Ethiopia: Sector Assessment Study (Volume 2)

Recommendations on the way forward to improve Access to Finance in Ethiopia

Corporate Governance of the Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia

Paper from the AFRACA Workshop on "Optimizing Financial Service Delivery to Rural Areas", Benin

Corporate Governance of the Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Ethiopia (Presentation)

Presentation at the AFRACA Workshop on "Optimizing Financial Service Delivery to Rural Areas"