All Publications

Showing 71 - 80 of 611
Guide / Toolkit

Demand-side Approach to Inclusive Green Finance Data Collection

This Guideline Note discusses a first approach to demand-side data collection to support financial regulators and financial service providers to measure the needs and perspectives of the target populations related to the impact of climate-related events.


Disaster Resilience Through Financial Inclusion

The role of financial regulators in disaster risk reduction


Greening the Financial Sector Through Provision Policies: The Role of Central Banks

This special report examines how central banks and other financial regulatory institutions are involved in efforts to green the financial system through provision policies.


A Policy Framework for Women-Led MSME Access to Finance

Financing insights on women-led MSMEs from emerging markets


Extending MSMEs’ Access to Trade Finance Under the AfCFTA

Advocating for cross-border policy coordination to boost financial access for MSMEs


NBFCs in Pakistan: Regulatory Landscape and Bottlenecks

This study offers an in-depth analysis of the domestic non banking finance company segment involved in lending services.


Promoting Inclusive Green Finance Initiative and Policies

This report seeks to deepen understanding of the first “P” — Promotion — of the 4P Framework for Inclusive Green Finance by sharing the experiences of AFI members who have begun promoting IGF in their countries, such as through awareness raising, capacity building and data collection.


The Prospects and Dangers of Algorithmic Credit Scoring in Vietnam: Regulating a Legal Blindspot

This study argues that adequate regulation is vital to delivering big data and machine learning's promises in financial services while ensuring fairness and public interest.

Case Study

Digital Financial Services Supervision in Bangladesh

Closer look at Bangladesh’s path to allow for digital innovations that scale