All Publications

Showing 11 - 20 of 93

Islamic Social Finance Report 2015

Trends, future challenges and prospects in 6 sub-Saharan African countries

Islamic (Micro)Finance: Culture, Context, Promise, Challenges

An anthropological approach to examining the use of financial tools

Islamic Microfinance in Yemen: Challenges and Opportunities

Developing Islamic microfinance in Yemen

Religiosity and Threshold Effect in Social and Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions: System GMM and Non-linear Threshold Approaches

Understanding the link between social beliefs and MFIs' financial and social performance

Is Islamic Banking Good for Growth?

Evaluating whether presence of Islamic banking services creates a positive impact on economic growth

Islamic Finance: Opportunities, Challenges, and Policy Options

Providing policy recommendations to promote the growth of the Islamic finance industry

Are Islamic Banks More Resilient During Financial Panics?

Comparing the performance of Islamic banks and conventional banks during financial crises

Can Islamic Banking Increase Financial Inclusion?

Analyzing the relationship between Islamic banking and financial inclusion in OIC countries

Costs and Sustainability of Sharia-Compliant Microfinance Products

Evaluating the sustainability of sharia-compliant microfinance products
Case Study

Integration of Waqf and Islamic Microfinance for Poverty Reduction: Case Studies of Malaysia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh

Validating the efficiency of an Integrated Waqf-based Islamic Microfinance model