All Publications

Showing 51 - 60 of 467

Credit Quality in Developing Economies: Remittances to the Rescue?

Discussing the role of remittance inflows in improving borrowers’ capacity to repay

Efficiency and Profitability of Tanzanian Saving and Credit Cooperatives

Assessing the performance of SACCOs in Tanzania

Does Good Client Protection Impact Financial Performance?

Understanding whether Client Protection Principles make for good business

Efficiency, Productivity, Risk and Profitability of Microfinance Industry in Pakistan: A Statistical Analysis

Assessing factors impacting the performance of microfinance providers in Pakistan
Case Study

Performance of Loan Repayment Determinants in Ethiopian Micro Finance: An Analysis

Identifying factors that affect loan repayment performance of borrowers in Ethiopia
Guide / Toolkit

Technical Guide: Performance and Social Indicators for Microfinance Institutions

Explanation of the industry’s 18 most commonly used performance indicators

The Impact of Public Spending on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions

Examining the impact of public expenditures and governments’ debt on the microfinance sector

Financing WASH: Key Considerations for MFIs

Studying water, sanitation, and hygiene financing for MFIs to lead the service uptake

Business Case for Microinsurance Part II: Follow-up Study on the Profitability of Microinsurance

Assessing profitability of microinsurance through factors that contribute to success of businesses

Impact of Seasonality-Adjusted Flexible Microcredit on Repayment and Food Consumption: Experimental Evidence from Rural Bangladesh

Studying the effects of allowing flexible repayment schedules on the behavior of microcredit clients