All Publications
Showing 6631 - 6640 of 7228
Flow of Funds: Implications for Research on Financial Sector Development and the Real Economy
How does the flow of funds impact interest rates, asset prices and incomes, and expenditures?
Focus on Poverty
What is CGAP's commitment to poverty alleviation?
Guidelines for microfinance impact assessments
What guides the planning, design and conduct of useful microfinance impact assessments?
Impact of Microfinance on Poverty Alleviation: What Does Emerging Evidence Indicate?
Analyzing gaps in studies on the impact of microfinance
Microfinance, Risk Management and Poverty
A full, comparative analysis of microfinance outreach and client coping strategies
Risk Mitigation as a Cost-Effective Microfinance Strategy
What are the impacts of client credit histories?
The Demand for Financial Services by the Rural Poor
Examining the importance of food security in demand for financial services by the poor
Commercial Bank Behaviour in Micro and Small Enterprise Finance
Examining micro and small enterprise financing activities of commercial banks
Gender Impact Assessment in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Why and How
What outcomes should assessors look out for?
Grameen Village Phone: Its Current Status and Future Prospects
Assessing market development outcomes due to the ICT services provided by Grameen Telecom