All Publications
Showing 6561 - 6570 of 7228
Marketing in Microfinance Institutions
What are the elements of a successful MFI marketing program?
New Product Development for Microfinance
What is the ideal development process that a microfinance product should go through?
Public and Private Investments in Microfinance: A Look at Guarantee Instruments
Why credit guarantee programmes help promote innovation and spread risk?
The MBP Reader on Microfinance and HIV/AIDS: First Steps in Speaking Out
How does HIV/AIDS affect microfinance institutions and what can they do about It?
The Microfinance Experience with Savings Mobilization
What are the benefits of savings?
Warehouse Receipts: Financing Agricultural Producers
How can warehouse receipt systems help small-scale farmers maximise their profits?
Business Capital for Microentrepreneurs: Providing Microloans
What progress has microcredit made in the United States?
Electronic Finance: Reshaping the Financial Landscape Around the World
Can e-finance lead to improved financial services across the world?
Imperfect Information, Social Capital and The Poor's Access to Credit
Microfinance institutions gained success through the trust and mutual support of their field workers
Insurance as a Microfinance Product
How can micro insurance succeed?