All Publications
Showing 6301 - 6310 of 7228
Group-based Financial Institutions for the Rural Poor in Bangladesh: An Institutional- and Household-Level Analysis
Do NGOs target their services in underdeveloped regions or do they locate in better endowed areas?
Guidelines on Rural Household Micro-Credit by Rural Credit Cooperatives
Supporting rural and agricultural development and promoting quality credit service
Microfinance and Producers' Organisations: Roles and Partnerships in the Context of Liberalisation
What is the role of rural producers' organizations in institutional systems of agricultural finance?
Microfinance, Agricultural Banks, Commercial Banks: What Potential Partnerships Could Finance Family Agriculture?
How to bridge the gap between the microfinance sector and banks in West Africa?
Survey of the Legal and Regulatory Environment for Microfinance Institutions in the Republic of Armenia
What is the state of the legal and regulatory environment for microfinance in Armenia?
Women, Microfinance and Savings: Lessons and Proposals
What informal savings mechanisms do women use?
A Comparative Literature Survey of Islamic Finance and Banking
How can Islamic financial markets be helped grow?
A Framework for Regulating Microfinance Institutions: The Experience of Ghana and the Philippines
How does a country's legal and regulatory framework affect the sustainability of microfinance?
Analysis of the Effects of Microfinance on Poverty Reduction
Examining the effectiveness of microfinance programs in reaching the poorest