All Publications
Showing 5861 - 5870 of 7228
Linking the Poor to Opportunity: The Microenterprise Development Initiative
USAID's microenterprise development strategy and highlights of its achievements in 2001
Microfinance as a Tool for Development
Stimulating development through microfinance
Microfinance Means Financial Services for the Poor
Can microfinance be made more sustainable by integrating it with overall financial systems?
Microfinance Sector Development Approach
What is meant by the 'Sector Development Approach' in microfinance?
Reducing Vulnerability: The Demand for Microinsurance
Can micro insurance be successful in Africa?
Sustainability and Organizational Design in Informal Groups, with some Evidence from Kenyan Roscas
Modifying institutional structure of informal financial institutions to minimize default
Trust Through Transparency: Applicability of Consumer Protection Self-regulation to Microfinance
Can consumer rights be protected through MFI self-regulation?
Workshop Report on Networking of SHGs - Concepts, Issues and Practices
This paper discusses various aspects of Self-Help-Group networks and federations
Credit Scoring: Is it Right for Your Bank?
Guide to designing, implementing and monitoring a credit scoring model
Do Entry Costs Provide an Empirical Basis for Poverty Traps? Evidence from Mexican Microenterprises
Does access to start-up capital determine the ultimate size of an enterprise?