All Publications

Showing 461 - 469 of 469

Gender Impact Assessment in Microfinance and Microenterprise, Why and How

What outcomes should assessors look out for?

From Access To Empowerment: Gender Issues In Microfinance

Does microfinance actually lead to women's empowerment?

MicroBanking Bulletin

The MicroBanking Bulletin includes MFI benchmarking and performance for key trends during the period


Enterprise Development - Micro-credit and Equality Between Women and Men

Women's empowerment and micro credit programs

Gender, Informality and Poverty: A Global Review

How are women placed with regards to informal employment and incomes in developing countries?

Developing Financial Institutions for the Poor and Reducing Barriers to Access for Women

Have financial services succeeded in reaching the poor, especially poor women?

Gender and the Growth and the Dynamics of Microenterprises

How can women entrepreneurs participate in regional and national growth processes?

Toward a Financial Inclusion Agenda for the Global Majority

This brief provides the basis for mobilizing policymakers, investors, and innovators to advance a new financial inclusion agenda designed for the global majority.