All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 213

Understanding Demand for Financial Products Among Young Women in Central Java

In this publication, as part of its Low-Income Lives series, MicroSave highlights the results from its research on the perceptions around existing financial products and the need for new ones among the Central Java’s rural youth.


Agent Network Accelerator Research: Indonesia Country Report

Survey of digital financial services agents and their operations

Microfinance for Poverty Alleviation: Do Transnational Initiatives Overlook Fundamental Questions of Competition and Intermediation?

An unintended consequence of formal low-interest microfinance: It creates informal intermediation opportunities for entrepreneurs, ranging from casual intermediation to systematic deception.

Case Study

Case Study of KOMIDA: A Journey to Implement the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management

Lessons learned from an Indonesian MFI's experience with social performance management

Accelerating Financial Inclusion in South-East Asia with Digital Finance

Market studies and policy recommendations for encouraging digital finance

Performance Evaluation Framework for Government-Sponsored Health Insurance Programmes

Highlighting key indicators to help programs make effective and sustainable management decisions

Investing in Women along Agribusiness Value Chains

Calling the private sector to invest in closing the gender gap in agribusiness

Access to Finance for Cocoa Farmers in Indonesia: Agribusiness Financing Facility Baseline Report

Data on hindrances to improved access to formal finance for cocoa producers

She for Shield: Insure Women to Better Protect All

Analysis of the women's insurance market globally and within 10 emerging markets

Mobile Money for Empowerment Muslim Women Entrepreneur: Evidence from Asia (Indonesia and Bangladesh)

Designing effective mobile banking policies for the empowerment of Muslim women entrepreneurs