All Publications

Showing 711 - 720 of 1694

Microsavings – Pathway to Financial Opportunities for Women

Empowering women through village savings and loan associations in Africa
Case Study

Mobile Money: The Economics of M-PESA

Facilitating financial transactions through mobile phones

Risk Sharing and Transactions Costs: Evidence from Kenya's Mobile Money Revolution

Examining the impact of mobile money on risk sharing in Kenya
Case Study

Solutions for Financial Inclusion: Serving Rural Women

Understanding gender-based challenges in accessing financial products and services
Case Study

The Role of Microfinance Banks in the Socioeconomic Development of Rural Communities in Cross River State

How do microfinance banks influence socioeconomic development in rural Nigeria?

"Saving for Change" Impact Stories

How have savings groups helped the poor tackle social issues?

Cashless Value Chain Crop-financing by CARD: A Partnership Model

Financing small farmers through cashless model

Financial Capability and the Poor: Are we Missing the Mark?

Understanding consumers’ perspectives on financial capability

Financial Capability in Kenya: Findings from FINACCESS 2009

Examining financial access and awareness in Kenya

Going Against the Odds: Integrating Risk Capital and Advisory Services for Small and Medium Enterprises in Mozambique

Implementing an integrated risk capital and advisory program in a post conflict environment