All Publications

Showing 581 - 590 of 867
Guide / Toolkit

Microenterprise Standards and Guide

What documents or processes are required to comply with a given standard?
Case Study

Poverty Tools Testing: The Latest Chapter - Tanzania

Practicality test of USAID's Poverty Assessment Tools reveals unique challenges at client level

The Road to Client Assessment: Travel Tips

A roadmap for client assessment and illustrates how the process works in practice

First Look: Poverty Tools Practicality

Challenges and lessons learned in testing the practicality of poverty tools

2005/2006 BPR & LPD Customer Satisfaction Survey

This report presents key survey results for Indonesia's rural credit banks
Case Study

ALMAO and YASIRU, Sri Lanka

Lessons learnt in providing microinsurance schemes targeting the rural poor
Guide / Toolkit

Attracting the Unbanked: Preliminary Guidelines for Maximizing Existing Infrastructure through Serving Untapped Markets

Guidelines for MFIs to identify unbanked clients and develop strategies to improve outreach
Case Study

Buffalo, Bakeries, and Tractors: Cases in Rural Leasing from Pakistan, Uganda, and Mexico

Discussing relevance and potential of rural leasing as a financing tool

Costs and Benefits of Market Research and Pilot Testing for New Product Development in Microfinance

Exploring the benefits of market research and pilot testing in product development

Credit Demand and Supply Study of Malawi's Tea Sector: Deepening Malawi's Microfinance Sector Project

Addressing the credit gaps and financial needs of tea growers in Malawi