All Publications

Showing 641 - 650 of 877
Case Study

Agrocapital & Bai Tushum: Lessons from 2 Rural Financial Service Foundations

Can foundations deliver rural financial services effectively?

Billions in Motion: Latino Immigrants, Remittances and Banking

Will decrease in costs and familiarity with new banking techniques improve the Latino remittances?

Building the Homes of the Poor - One Brick at a Time: Housing Improvement Lending at Mibanco

Can progressive building be financed as well as long-term projects?

Costs, Economic Identity and Banking the Unbanked

Encouraging Latino immigrants to send remittances through banks

Environmental Protection and Microenterprise Development in the Developing World: A Model Based on the Latin American Experience

How can micro-enterprises become environmentally friendly?

Financing Microfinance: Exploring the Funding Side of Microfinance Institutions

Can there be universally understood indicators in microfinance?
Case Study

Lending Technologies, Competition, and Consolidation in the Market for Microfinance in Bolivia

How do credit market structure and loan contract terms affect borrower welfare?

Managing Client Information: Feedback Loop Lessons from Latin America

How can market-led microfinance be institutionalized at the microfinance organization level?

Microfinance for Housing: The Mexican Case

Can microfinance institutions address the need for housing improvement loans?