All Publications

Showing 1681 - 1690 of 9043

Lost in the Mail: Why Bank Account Access Is Not Translating into Usage

Is it possible that bank accounts are often not the answer to customers' needs?

Measuring Financial Inclusion in the EU: Financial Inclusion Score Approach

A new scoring method which treats financial inclusion as an efficiency measure

Microfinance Impact Survey: A Call to Rebalance Industry Priorities?

Survey results on perceptions of impact from the point of view of practitioners

Mid-Term Evaluation of UNHCR Graduation Programme in Egypt

Presenting findings about impact, process/performance, and project monitoring activities

National Survey and Segmentation of Smallholder Households in Mozambique: Understanding Their Demand for Financial, Agricultural, and Digital Solutions

Findings from a national survey on smallholder household demographics and their financial habits

Policy Frameworks to Support Women's Financial Inclusion

Examples of promising policy solutions to help close the gender gap in financial inclusion

Responsible Bundling of Microfinance Services: A Mixed Method Evaluation of the Impact of Timing, Pressure, and Information

Understanding influences and perceptions behind the purchase decision of bundled products

Rural Youth Economic Empowerment Program 2013-2016: Findings from Five Youth-Inclusive Rural Finance Pilot Projects

Examining the successes and shortcomings of financial inclusion programs for rural youth

Struggling To Thrive: How Kenya’s Low-income Families (Try To) Pay for Healthcare

Summary of findings from a study of 298 household incomes, expenditures and financing behaviors
Guide / Toolkit

The Banking on Change Youth Savings Group Model: From Saving and Learning to Banking and Earning

Practitioner’s guide of 10 principles for setting up Youth Savings Groups