All Publications

Showing 351 - 360 of 374

Risk Mitigation as a Cost-Effective Microfinance Strategy

What are the impacts of client credit histories?

Safety Nets and Safety Ropes: Comparing the Dynamic Benefit Incidence of Two Indonesia "JPS" Programs

Who are "safety net" programmes really aimed at?

The Prediction and Diagnosis of Bank Failures in Zambia

Which is the most flexible approach to diagnosing and predicting bank failures in Zambia?

A TOFFE Risk Assessment Report from CreditWatch

Finding out the areas that the Welfare Society of Eastern India needs to improve upon

Capital Enhancement Guarantees and Risk Management by Capital-Constrained Lenders

Examining techniques that can encourage lenders to make loans they wouldn't otherwise make
Guide / Toolkit

Improving Internal Control: A Practical Guide for Microfinance Institutions

How can MFIs integrate internal control and risk management into their savings and loans systems?
Guide / Toolkit

Liquidity Management: A Toolkit for Microfinance Institutions

Providing guidelines on implementing liquidity management in MFIs

Savings and Needs in East Africa: An Infinite Variety

Is savings a risk management strategy for the poor?

Information Sharing in Credit Markets: International Evidence

Are public credit registers appropriate?