All Publications

Showing 281 - 290 of 374

Borrower Runs

Risks of borrower default and a roadmap for achieving long term sustainability

Quality of Institutions, Credit Markets and Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy and its effect on the economic equilibrium

Scoring Drop-Out at a Microlender in Bolivia

How can scoring help microlenders address client drop-outs?

Four Risks that Must be Managed by Microfinance Institutions

How to minimize the four risks that are often faced by MFIs?

A Decomposition of Screening and Incentive Effects in Credit Information Systems

How do credit bureaus help in screening borrowers?

Credit Bureau Development in South Asia

Lessons South Asia can learn on developing an efficient credit information sharing system

Foreign Exchange Risk and Microfinance Institutions: A Discussion of the Issues

Instruments to deal with the foreign exchange risk

Foreign Exchange Risk Management in Microfinance

Highlighting the lenders and donors role and ways for MFIs to manage foreign exchange risk
Case Study

Microinsurance Pre-Feasibility Study - Albania

What are the factors that affect the feasibility of offering a microinsurance product in Albania?