All Publications

Showing 7111 - 7120 of 9043

The Internal Control and Internal Audit Regulations 2004

List of regulations applicable to all banks and financial institutions in Tanzania

The Microfinance Channel to Market

How has the Grameen Technology Center succeeded in helping microfinance reach rural areas?
Case Study

The PayNet Deposit Program: Check Casher-Credit Union Partnerships and the Point of Banking Machine

Partnerships benefiting both the company and the consumer to increase access to financial services
Guide / Toolkit

The Revised OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and their Relevance to Non-OECD Countries

Identifying challenges of OECD Principles and proposing reforms to respond to them

The Role of other Economically Active Household Members in Poverty Alleviation

Can access to microfinance impact the income of other economically active members of poor families?

The Social Impact of Microfinance and How to Measure it?

How to gauge the social impact of microfinance?
Guide / Toolkit

Tools for Market Research & Product Concept Development

Appropriate tools for market research in war-affected areas

Toward Sustainable & Equitable Development - Sector Strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean: An Overview

Will IADB's seven sector strategies be successful in addressing the problem of poverty?

Towards Defining Social Performance of Microfinance Institutions - Literature Review and Synthesis

What do we wish to measure as social performance of MFIs?