All Publications

Showing 1771 - 1780 of 9043

Global Microscope 2015: The Enabling Environment for Financial Inclusion

Annual index and study with financial inclusion indicator scores for 55 countries
Guide / Toolkit

Insights on Credit Risk and Agriculture Value Chain Finance: Promoting Rural Microfinance through Peer-to-Peer Learning

Tools to assist financial institutions in developing new, creative financing structures

MIMOSA 2.0: Mapping the (micro)credit Cycle

Establishing a standard framework for measuring credit saturation

PMJDY Assessment Round 2: Well Begun is Job Half Done

Evaluating the progress of India's plan to provide all households with financial services
Guide / Toolkit

Program Quality Guidelines for Savings Groups

A sector-wide effort to build quality from the onset as a guarantee for consumer protection

Seeking Sustainable Change in Africa's Financial Systems

How can various sectors catalyze profitable growth for underserved segments?

Small Finance Bank Licences: Not the End of the Road for Non-SFB MFIs

Challenges and opportunities for transforming and non-transforming MFIs

Swiss Microfinance Investments Report

A review of microfinance investment vehicles managed in Switzerland