All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 288
Guide / Toolkit

How to Develop an Institutional Code of Ethics

Formulating an institutional Code of Ethics that ensures client protection
Case Study

Transforming Microfinance in Kenya: the Experience of Faulu Kenya and Kenya Women Finance Trust

Examining the transformation of MFIs into deposit-taking organizations in Kenya

Client Protection Directives and Guidelines for MFIs in India

Presenting client protection guidelines for MFIs in India

Codes of Conduct and the Role of Microfinance Associations in Client Protection

Exploring the importance of self-regulation by microfinance associations

Microfinance Institutions: Overcoming the Obstacles

How can MFIs minimize common problems through innovation and cooperation?

Bank Agents: Risk Management, Mitigation, and Supervision

Guiding managment and supervision of bank agents

Strengthening Governance for Responsible Finance: Examples from European Investment Funds

Studying the role of microfinance investment funds in strengthening institutional governance

Creating Jobs in Europe: Legal and Regulatory Frameworks of Microenterprises and Microcredit in Europe

What are the regulatory challenges to the development of microenterprises and microcredit in Europe?

Microfinance and the Role of Policies and Procedures in Saturated Markets and During Periods of Fast Growth

Evaluating the role of MFI policies and procedures in various market situations

Helping or Hurting: What Role for Microfinance in the Fight Against Poverty?

How should the U.K. government support the microfinance sector?