All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 228

Harnessing Digitization for Remittances in Asia and the Pacific

This report discusses the importance of remittances in Asia and the Pacific, the key challenges faced by the industry, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Microfinance Clients Facing the COVID-19 Crisis: From Findings to Action for MFIs

This publication presents the main results of MFI client surveys in seven countries (Bhutan, Myanmar, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Cape Verde and El Salvador), as well as the concrete measures taken by MFIs to meet the needs expressed by their clients.


SME Finance Loans for Growth Impact Report 2020

This report shows how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in emerging and frontier markets benefit from access to finance, as well as how they were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.


Social Assistance and Information in the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Crisis: Lessons from a Household Survey in India

This publication explores the implementation of a social assistance program in India based on a household survey conducted four to six weeks after its launch. 


The Impact of the Crisis on Microfinance Institutions: Analyses and Perspectives

This publication presents the survey results for 40 MFIs around the world during three waves (May, July and December 2020), analyzing the effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the institutions. All MFIs and their clients saw their activities severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. 


Understanding Micro- and Small-Growth Entrepreneurs in Vietnam, Pakistan and Peru

This report provides an overview of "the current state of strivers" across these countries with an aim to understand the emerging unmet needs through market assessments.

Slide Deck

COVID 19 Impact on Financial Service Providers

This slide deck presents the summary of analysis on how the pandemic impacted MFI liquidity, portfolio quality, and solvency through the end of 2020, and forward looking stress tests, with solvency scenarios for the FMI sector.


COVID-19: Crisis as Opportunity for Urban Cash Transfers?

Based on a literature review and case studies of various urban cash transfer schemes in response to the COVID-19 crisis, this paper explores the successes and challenges of implementing cash transfers in urban settings in response to a large, covariate shock.


FinAccess MSE COVID-19 Tracker

This survey provides data on how micro firms in Kenya have responded to and coped during the COVID-19 pandemic.