All Publications

Showing 971 - 980 of 1694

Results of a National Survey on Access to Financial Services in Uganda

Assessing demand, usage and access to financial services
Case Study

Access to Finance through Value Chains: Lessons from Rwanda

Potential of value chains in expanding access to formal finance
Case Study

Extending the Outreach of Rwandan Peoples' Banks to the Rural Poor Through Village Savings and Credit Associations

Uniting grassroot communities to fight poverty through credit linkages

Lending to Agribusinesses in Zambia

Examining loan contract mechanisms of MFIs lending to the poor

Microfinance and Innovative Financing for Gender Equality: Approaches, Challenges, and Strategies

Paper presented at Eighth Commonwealth Women's Affairs Ministers Meeting

Ethiopia: Microfinance Country Scan

The document presents an overview of the current state of the Ethiopian microfinance sector

Promotion of Rural Savings through Microfinance: The Experience of Sinapi Aba Trust in Ghana

Paper presented at FAO, the Ford Foundation, and IFAD'’s conference on rural finance research