All Publications

Showing 941 - 950 of 1694

What does Competition Mean for Indian MFIs?

Lessons for Indian MFIs coping with a competitive environment

Working at Both Ends: Enhancing Supply and Demand for Savings Mobilization in Rural Uganda

Overview of USAID-funded program that promotes savings in rural areas of Uganda
Guide / Toolkit

A Comprehensive Guide to Agricultural Loan Product Design for Uganda's Rural Financial Intermediaries

Helping lenders design a product that delivers maximum profit with minimum risk

Examining Interest Rate Sensitivities among Microfinance Loan Clients in Ghana: Preliminary Results

Assessing elasticity of demand for microloans

Expanding Credit Access: Improving Microfinance Operations and Measuring Impact with Credit Scoring

Examining the impact of consumer credit on marginal groups

Insurance, Credit, and Technology Adoption: Field Experimental Evidence from Malawi

This paper studies the impact of an innovative insurance plus credit product on technology adoption

Tanzania Country Scan Microfinance

Formulating strategy for microfinance sector development

Value Chain Governance and Access to Finance: Maize, Sugar Cane, and Sunflower Oil in Uganda

Examining availability of finance within directed, balanced, and market governance structures