All Publications

Showing 861 - 870 of 1695

Mobile Payments in Kenya: Findings from a Survey of M-PESA Users and Agents

Examining the use of M-PESA in Kenya
Case Study

Overcoming Back-end Barriers: Opportunity International and Bank Switching Solutions

Leveraging technology to reach rural microfinance clients
Case Study

Partnership Capacity Building for Economic Strengthening in HIV and AIDS-Impacted Communities: Two Cases from Rwanda

Delivering microfinance service to clients affected by HIV and AIDS

Recovery of the Financial Sector and Building Financial Inclusiveness

Building an inclusive financial system in Zimbabwe

Rural Financial Services and Effects of Microfinance on Agricultural Productivity and on Poverty

Examining the importance of microfinance in agricultural productivity and poverty reduction

Savings, Credit and Insurance: Household Demand for Formal Financial Services in Rural Ghana

Determinants of demand for financial services in rural households

Seeking Fertile Grounds for Mobile Money

Examining factors that make mobile money successful

Africa Microfinance Analysis and Benchmarking Report, 2008

Analyzing key growth trends of microfinance in Africa

Financial Exclusion in Kenya: An Analysis of Financial Service Use

Identifying barriers to financial inclusion in Kenya
Case Study

Finding Missing Markets (and a Disturbing Epilogue): Evidence from an Export Crop Adoption and Marketing Intervention in Kenya

Assessing impact of an intervention to help smallholder farmers improve income