All Publications

Showing 601 - 610 of 1695

Youth in the Ghana Experiment: Characteristics and Living Conditions

Has YouthSave's Ghana Experiment selected the right target population?

Youth Saving Patterns and Performance in Ghana

Discussing the attitudes and behavior of youth in Ghana towards savings

Field Lesson | AccessBanque Madagascar

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Mapping the Financial Sector

The data in the Mapping the Financial Sector reports goes beyond commercial banks and MFIs to cover pawnshops, cash loan providers, retailers and all types of credit providers in the market. 


Microfinance Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa: Turning Opportunities into Reality

What are the challenges to public and private foreign microfinance investment in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Pathways out of the Productive Safety Net Programme: Lessons from Graduation Pilot in Ethiopia

Lessons Learned from the Graduation Pilot in Ethiopia

Payments and Money Transfer Behavior of Sub-Saharan Africans

Examining the payment behavior of Sub-Saharan Africans
Case Study

Driving Change Through Technology: The Postbank Example

Adapting new technology to stay relevant and competitive

Internal Operational Challenges around Rural and Agricultural Finance

Assessingthe challenges faced by MFIs entering rural and agricultural finance in Sub-Saharan Africa

Mass Retail Banking: How Savings Banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America Can Provide Usable Services to the Poor

How can savings banks achieve take-up of their products and services by poor people?