All Publications

Showing 1261 - 1270 of 1694

Ghana: Microfinance Investment Environment Profile

Assessing investment risk in Ghana's microfinance sector

Group-based Funeral Insurance in Ethiopia and Tanzania

Understanding indigenous institutions providing funeral insurance and their scalability

Innovation in Rural Finance in Tanzania

Proceedings from The Third Annual Conference on Microfinance, 2004, Arusha, Tanzania

Intercooperation's Contribution to Micro and Small Enterprise Development

Examining products that Intercooperation has to offer to the medium and small enterprise sector

Lessons from MicroSave's Action Research Programme (2003): Briefing Note

What should be the approach for market-led research?

Loan Conditions of Commercial Banks and Micro Finance Institutions

Describing financing options for micro and small enterprises in Ethiopia
Case Study

Madagascar: Credit with Education in the TIAVO Savings and Loan Network

What lessons can be learned from the experience of TIAVO network?

Micro-insurance and Health Care in Developing Countries - An International Picture

How can micro-insurance institutions improve access to health care?
Case Study

Microfinance Associations: The Case of Microenterprise Alliance (MEA), South Africa

How does Micro Enterprise Alliance help the micro enterprise sector in South Africa?