All Publications

Showing 481 - 490 of 1017

Mobile Banking for Inclusive Growth

Highlighting the potential of mobile phone technology in decreasing government intermediation

Savings-Led Microfinance

Paper presented at the "National Conference on Sustainable SHGs," March 4-5, 2010, Chennai, India

Social Performance Management in India: Seeking a Market-led Approach

Advocating market-led social performance management

Are Women Self Help Group Members Economically More Empowered in Left-Run Municipalities?

Measuring economic empowerment attained by SHG members
Guide / Toolkit

Conducting Client Protection Assessments: A Guide

Evaluating MFIs' implementation of client protection principles

Risks and Challenges in Individual Lending

Developing strategies to mitigate risks in individual lending

Why do Microfinance Clients Take Multiple Loans?

Examining the trend of multiple borrowings by MFI clients

Access to Finance in Andhra Pradesh

Results from pioneering household survey on access to finance

Can Microcredit and Job under NREGS Jointly Bring More Happiness to the Villagers?

Assessing joint impact of microfinance and the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

CGAP Consumer Protection Policy Diagnostic Report: India

Assessing consumer protection policy for low-income consumers in India