All Publications

Showing 591 - 600 of 877

Access to Financial Services: What Do We Know Across Countries?

Why is access to financial services low in poor countries?

Agriculture Investment Note: Microfinance Institutions Moving into Rural Finance for Agriculture

Highlighting how innovative MFIs have extended services to agriculture dependent households

Attracting Remittances: Practices to Reduce Costs and Enable a Money Transfer Environment

Presenting best practices for attracting remittances

Banking Championship League

How did the top MFIs of Latin America fare in 2002?

Cajas Externas in Bolivia: A Stategic Alliance to Increase Savings in Under-Served Markets

Can alliances between regulated financial institutions and NGOs succeed?

CGAP IT Innovation Series - Automated Teller Machines

Using ATMs in microfinance institutions

CGAP IT Innovation Series: Personal Digital Assistants (PDA)

How successful are PDAs for microfinance?
Case Study

Corona Foundation: Enterprise Development Fund Foundation - Sustainability and Microcredit

How can the Enterprise Development Fund Foundation help Colombian micro-entrepreneurs access funds?

Credit with Education: A Self-financing Way to Fight Chronic Hunger and Poverty

Combining financial services with health and nutrition education for a positive effect