All Publications

Showing 411 - 420 of 877

Using Microfinance to Expand Access to Energy Services: A Desk Study of Experiences in Latin America and the Caribbean

Examining MFIs' experiences in lending for rural energy services

The Interaction of Customary Law and Microfinance: Women’s Entry into the World Economy

Examining the interaction between microfinance and customary law

Analyzing and Financing Value Chains: Cutting Edge Developments in Value Chain Analysis

Paper presented at the 3rd African Microfinance Conference

Benchmarking Mexican Microfinance: Performance and Transparency in a Growing Industry

Comparing performance of Mexican MFIs with their peers in Latin America

Are Cash Transfers Made to Women Spent Like Other Sources of Income?

This paper analyzes the effect of a cash transfer program in rural areas in Ecuador
Case Study

Strategic Alliances for Scale and Scope Economies: Lessons from FADES in Bolivia

Achieving economies of scale through strategic alliances
Case Study

Transitions to Private Capital: Case Studies from the Liability Side of the Balance Sheet

Differences in funding strategies of MFIs