All Publications

Showing 311 - 320 of 587

The Effect of Social Capital on Group Loan Repayment: Evidence from Artefactual Field Experiments

Examining the loan repayment trends by groups

Impact of Microcredit on Clients in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The impacts of microcredit on entrepreneurs, their households, and their microenterprises
Case Study

Experienced Consortium Deepens Bulgarian Financial System by Creating ProCredit Bank, a Commercial Bank for Microenterprises

Learning from the experience of creating ProCredit Bank Bulgaria

Manual on Loan Policy & Procedure for Non-bank Financial Organizations Established Under the World Bank Funded Farm Privatization Support Project Tajikistan

Manual on credit appraisal for non-banking financial organizations in Tajikistan

MIX 2005 Bosnia Herzegovina Case Study


2004 Microfinance Sector Development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

Future path of microfinance in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

A Matching of Two Promises: Microfinance And Social Responsibility

Socially responsible savings and microfinance