All Publications

Showing 591 - 600 of 939

Microfinance in Action: The Philippine Experience

Lessons from the implementation of microfinance programs in the Philippines

Sustaining Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Asia

How can MFIs be effective in post-tsunami assistance efforts?

West Africa: Microenterprise Trainers Reach Refugees

Providing effective business development services to microentrepreneurs

Access to Capital in Rural Thailand: An Estimated Model of Formal vs. Informal Credit

Is it possible to improve access to credit in Thailand?

An Overview of Microfinance Linkages in Indonesia

A descriptive mapping of different linkage models existing in Indonesia

Cambodia Microfinance Country Profile

Providing financial services in conflict-affected areas
Case Study

Card Rural Bank

Reviewing the programs
Case Study

Case Study - Indonesia Midwives Loan Fund: Can a Revolving Loan Fund be used to Encourage Private Midwifery Practices?

Improving quality of health services by strengthening capacities of individual private practitioners
Case Study

Case Study on Philippines: Electronic Banking: Delivering Microfinance Services to the Poor in the Philippines

Can cost-effective, efficient electronic banking services increase micro finance services' reach?