All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 422

Building Up Business: Microenterprise Demand for Credit in the Caribbean

Understanding the demand for microfinance in the Caribbean
Case Study

Estimating the Impact of Microcredit on Those Who Take it Up: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Morocco

Assessing the effect of microcredit on income and consumption of clients

Exploring the Success of BRAC Tanzania’s Microcredit Programme

Evaluating the performance of BRAC’s microcredit program in Tanzania
Case Study

Performance of Loan Repayment Determinants in Ethiopian Micro Finance: An Analysis

Identifying factors that affect loan repayment performance of borrowers in Ethiopia

Role of Credit Risk Management Practices in Sustainability of Micro Credit Schemes in Nakuru County

Analyzing how credit risk management affects the sustainability of microcredit schemes

The Returns to Cash and Microenterprise Support Among the Ultra-Poor: A Field Experiment

Evaluating the effects of an ultra-poor program in Uganda

Dynamic Effects of Microcredit in Bangladesh

Examining the dynamics of microcredit programs in Bangladesh

Impact of Seasonality-Adjusted Flexible Microcredit on Repayment and Food Consumption: Experimental Evidence from Rural Bangladesh

Studying the effects of allowing flexible repayment schedules on the behavior of microcredit clients

The Impacts of Microcredit: Evidence from Ethiopia

Assessing the impact of access to microcredit in poor communities