All Publications

Showing 21 - 30 of 43

Strategic Alliances to Scale Up Financial Services in Rural Areas

Using strategic partnerships to improve financial services delivery in rural markets

Microfinance and Social Impact in Post-Conflict Environments

Can microfinance rebuild communities in post-conflict environments where social ties have eroded?

Credit Information Systems in Less-Developed Countries: Recent History and a Test

Improving credit market performance and transparency

Credit Union Remittance Services in Guatemala: Expanding the Access of Low-Income Remittance Recipients to Financial Institutions

Can credit unions succeed in inducting poor remittance recipients into the formal financial system?

Microfinance and Forest-based Small-scale Enterprises

Helping microfinance reach out to small-scale enterprises in forest areas
Case Study

Columna, Guatemala

Challenges in expanding the microinsurance market

Housing Microfinance: Policy Recommendations for Sida's Programs

This paper discusses the lessons learnt from Sida's global experience in housing microfinance
Case Study

ACCION's Experiences with Rural Finance in Latin America and Africa

What are the lessons from rural finance practice in Latin America?

Attracting Remittances: Practices to Reduce Costs and Enable a Money Transfer Environment

Presenting best practices for attracting remittances
Case Study

Credit Bureaus and the Rural Microfinance Sector: Peru, Guatemala and Bolivia

Credit Reporting Systems can facilitate credit deepening