All Publications

Showing 631 - 640 of 877
Guide / Toolkit

Equipment Leasing and Lending: A Guide for Microfinance

How should MFIs tackle equipment finance?

Microfinance Institutions' Response in Conflict Environments

Framework and guiding principles for providing microfinance assistance

Poverty Outreach Findings: Mibanco, Peru

What is the poverty profile of microfinance clients in Mibanco, Peru?
Case Study

Building a Microfinance Industry: USAID's PRET/FINNET in Haiti

How to build a microfinance industry?
Case Study

From Skepticism to Success: The World Bank and Banco do Nordeste in Brazil

How can effective donor assistance lead to a sustainable microfinance institution?

Changes in the Atmosphere? Increase of Remittances, Price Decline and New Challenges

Important issues faced by money senders and immigrant communities

IDB Group Support to the Small and Medium Enterprise Sector (1990-2002): Achievements, Lessons and Challenges

How has IDB's Small and Medium Enterprises development strategy worked?

Do Entry Costs Provide an Empirical Basis for Poverty Traps? Evidence from Mexican Microenterprises

Does access to start-up capital determine the ultimate size of an enterprise?
Case Study

Financial Market Development - Support from the Inter-American Development Bank Group 1990-2002

How did Inter-American Development Bank support Financial Market Development during 1990-2002?