All Publications

Showing 621 - 630 of 877

ACCION Poverty Outreach Findings: SOGESOL, Haiti

Has SOGESOL reached out to the poor?

Market Intelligence: Making Market Research Work for Microfinance

How can market intelligence benefit MFIs in a competitive environment?

Microfinance and Socially Responsible Investment in Latin America

How can the United States improve its socially responsible investments in Latin America?
Case Study

Rural Poverty, Household Responses to Shocks, and Agricultural Land Use: Panel Results for El Salvador

What are the factors influencing agricultural land use in rural El Salvador?

Statistical Sampling to Measure Portfolio-At-Risk in Microfinance

How to achieve greater accuracy in measuring the proportion of portfolio at risk?

The Service Company Model: A New Strategy for Commercial Banks in Microfinance

Can banks succeed in the microfinance market using service company model?

Benchmarking Latin American Microfinance: A Report from the Microfinance Information Exchange

How does performance of Latin American microfinance compare to other regions?

Competitiveness: Strategy Document

How can international competitiveness of the Caribbean and the Latin American countries be improved?
Case Study

Mibanco, Peru: Profitable Microfinance Outreach, with Lessons for Asia

How has commercialisation affected Accion Communatria del Peru's (ACP) outreach and sustainability?