All Publications

Showing 571 - 580 of 877

Fighting Poverty with Handicrafts: Haiti

Haitian artisans get global recognition
Case Study

ACCION's Experiences with Rural Finance in Latin America and Africa

What are the lessons from rural finance practice in Latin America?

Assessing The Social Performance of Microfinance Using the QUIP: Findings from Huancayo, Chimbote and Cajamarca, Peru

How can microfinance practitioners monitor their contribution to poverty alleviation?

Banco de Mexico Law

Establishing the Central Bank of Mexico

Developing Housing Microfinance Products in Central America

Can microfinance institutions provide good housing finance products?

Poverty, Structural Transformation, and Land Use in El Salvador: Learning from Household Panel Data

Analyzing trends in structural transformation and living standards in El Salvador

Supervising and Regulating Microfinance in the Context of Financial Sector Liberalization: Lessons from Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico

How can regulations help the growth of microfinance sector?

Remittances and Microfinance: A Practical Application

Can remittance clients be lured to use other micro-finance services?

A Tale of Four Village Banking Programs

Towards effective village banking

Remittances, Microfinance and Community Informatics - Development and Governance Issues

Integrating remittances with microfinance to boost development