All Publications

Showing 511 - 520 of 1017

Results from SKS Client Monitoring System: September 2008 through June 2009

Creating pathways out of extreme poverty for the ultra poor

Review of Savings Options for MFIs in India

Savings products options available for MFIs

Self Help Groups and Empowerment of Women: Self-selection or Actual Benefits?

Analyzing empowerment levels of SHG group members

SHG Federations: Development Costs and Sustainability

Evaluating existing self-help group federations for their role as financial intermediaries

Status of Microfinance in India 2009-2010

Presenting an annual update on bank assistance to microfinance sector

Targeting the Ultra Poor

Examining the promises and risks of ultra poor programs

The Macrocosm and Microcosm of Microfinance

Examining critical issues in Indian microfinance
Case Study

Understanding Customer Behavior of Multiple Borrowing through Prospect Theory: Case Study of Indian Microfinance Clients

Paper presented at "Challenges to Inclusive Growth in the Emerging Economies," Dec. 15-17, 2010

Update on Regulation of Branchless Banking in India

Presenting CGAP's findings on branchless banking regulation in India