All Publications

Showing 821 - 830 of 868

Marketing in Microfinance Institutions

What are the elements of a successful MFI marketing program?

New Product Development for Microfinance

What is the ideal development process that a microfinance product should go through?
Case Study

Exploring Client Preferences in Microfinance: Some Observations from SafeSave

How do clients respond to flexible products and services?

Factors Affecting Repayment Rates in Group-Based Lending: Findings From Bangladesh and Madagascar

What are factors that managers of microfinance should consider when initiating group formation?

Raising the Curtain on the "Microfinancial Services Era"

What trends are there for new financial products?

Those Who Leave and Those Who Don't Join: Insights from East African Microfinance Institutions

Who are those that do not join microfinance institutions?

A Market-Oriented Strategy for Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises

What is the role of the state in making small and medium-scale enterprises market-oriented?

Predicting Creditworthiness with Publicly Observable Characteristics: Evidence from ASCRAs and RoSCAs in the Gambia

Is it possible to predict which households will gain access to informal finance?

Drop-outs, Graduates, Defaulters and the Excluded

Client drop-outs, client graduation to formal banking institutions, client defaults and exclusion