All Publications

Showing 261 - 270 of 877

IFC Mobile Money Study 2011 – Summary Report

Examining the adoption and development of mobile money
Case Study

Mexico's Engagement with the Standard-Setting Bodies and the Implications for Financial Inclusion

Highlighting lessons from Mexico'’s experiences with standard-setting bodies

Microfinance Market Report for Latin America and the Caribbean 2010

Analyzing the microfinance market in Latin America and the Caribbean

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean in 2010: Stabilization after the Crisis

Examining the post-global economic crisis effect on remittances

Cash Transfers and Gendered Risks and Vulnerabilities: Lessons from Latin America

Identifying the impact of conditional cash transfers on women’s empowerment

Credit Officers and Loan Granting in Microfinance: Brazilian Evidence

Assessing role of credit officers in microloan granting decisions

A Simple Poverty Scorecard for the Dominican Republic

A scorecard to estimate poverty rates and track changes in them over time in the Dominican Republic

Benchmarking Microfinance in Central America 2010

Examining response of Central American MFIs to the 2008-2009 crisis

Microcredit Participation and Nutrition Outcomes among Women in Peru

Does longer participation in microcredit services improve nutritional outcomes?