All Publications

Showing 41 - 50 of 85

Lessons from WING Cambodia

Demonstrating benefits and limitations of the mobile money market

Leveraging Health Microinsurance to Promote Universal Health Coverage

Outlining the roles of private actors in the expansion of universal health coverage
Case Study

Are Profitable Microfinance Programs Less Efficient at Reaching the Poor? A Case Study in Cambodia

Exploring the relationship between financial efficiency and social efficiency of Cambodian MFIs
Case Study

Outlawing Flat Interest in Cambodia

Achieving pricing transparency in Cambodian microfinance

Rural and Microfinance in the Lower Mekong Region: Policies, Institutions, and Market Outcomes

Analyzing the microfinance sector in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam

Cambodia Microfinance: Development and Challenges

Paper presented at "International Conference on Microfinance Regulations: Who Benefits?" March 2010
Case Study

Managing Social Performance: AMK (Cambodia)

Seeking financial sustainability while meeting social goals

Status of Microinsurance in Southeast Asia: The Cases of Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam

Protecting the poor from risks through microinsurance

The Savings Led Revolution: Mass-scale, Group Managed Microfinance for the Rural Poor

Leveraging savings-led microfinance to improve access to finance

Determining Poverty Impacts on Lao People's Democratic Republic and Cambodia: Reconciling Household and GTAP Data

Measuring the impact of policy initiatives on the poor